The newest Grabowski...

Home for the weekend, I stopped over at my brother's house tonight to have some pizza. It seemed odd that he and his wife had invited my parents and I over for no apparent reason, but I never expected the news we received. Well, anyway, this is a picture of the newest Grabowski, due to see the light of this world on September 9th. Prayers for a happy pregnancy and birth would be most appreciated.
Home for the weekend, I stopped over at my brother's house tonight to have some pizza. It seemed odd that he and his wife had invited my parents and I over for no apparent reason, but I never expected the news we received. Well, anyway, this is a picture of the newest Grabowski, due to see the light of this world on September 9th. Prayers for a happy pregnancy and birth would be most appreciated.
Thanks, buddy. :-)
Woohoo! Congrats!
He currently looks about your size!!! ;-) haha
You're gonna become that totaly sweet uncle that lets them eat all the candy, ice cream, and soda they want...
... right before ya send them back to their parents.
... and you're probaly going to become that uncle that buys them awsome presents for their birthdays that nobody can out do, like power wheels or live animals.
I hope so. :-)
He's the uncle that buys the really noisy and annoying toys and then leaves... knowing his sibs can get no revenge on him down the road :p
Yeah, the singing bus is my favorite. Thanks.
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